Homey Log

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This module can be used in a Homey App to send events to Sentry.


Documentation is available at https://athombv.github.io/node-homey-log/.

Related Modules


npm install --save homey-log

Getting started

In env.json, add the Sentry URL. If you would like to send the logs to Sentry also during development, set force log to 1.

  "HOMEY_LOG_URL": "https://foo:bar@sentry.io/123456"

In app.js, include the library and create a new Log instance:

const { Log } = require('homey-log');

class MyApp extends Homey.App {
  onInit() {
    this.homeyLog = new Log({ homey: this.homey });


  • When your app crashes due to an uncaughtException or unhandledRejection, this will automatically be sent to Sentry.
  • When running your app with homey app run events will not be sent to Sentry.



This version is only SDK version 3 compatible. It now requires a different way of setting up the Log instance, see Getting Started.